It’s a bad breakup!
This post is dedicated to all my work friends…Thank you very much for the fun experience and memorable journey!
Sometimes there is nothing you feel you can do about it…
The spark just disappears…
Work is not energizing and you can’t remember when it was…
You feel like you don’t belong…and you can’t fit anymore into your company’s culture!!
Some call it magic , some call it passion but it’s all gone!
Yet quitting the job still feels so hard!
That’s fine. It’s natural for us to feel this way! The reality is that we don’t want to disappoint our people…
Similar to our personal relationships; we feel a deep sense of devotion and loyalty to our jobs. As times goes on, we form strong bonds with our colleagues. This is because we are social creatures and connecting with others is at the heart of our human nature…We are hardwired to form strong bonds mainly with those we have something in common with…We naturally feel loyal to our community and people.
But let’s be honest; loyalty isn’t good enough reason to stay in a job. It is important to remind ourselves it is not home!
I can’t deny that It feels like a painful breakup because we know that we are also leaving all our relationships behind too…Our priceless meaningful connections!
But just because we’re leaving a job doesn’t mean we have to leave our work friendships…I personally met the most amazing souls at work. They made my days more enjoyable and productive and some of them remain my most cherished connections.
Turns out we don’t miss the job, we miss people..
Work Friendships are Real…We just need to make them part of our bigger life!
With love,