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Writer's pictureHindy


Updated: Aug 7, 2022

ملأى السنابل تنحني بتواضع و الفارغاتُ رؤوسُهن شوامخُ

Ears full of grain bow down modestly but the empty ones hold their heads up high”

جرجس بن العميد- Egyptian historian

This inspiring quote is one of the most memorable memories of my school life- it was beautifully handwritten in Arabic calligraphy at the entrance of the school.

At the age of 10, I was for sure one of many proud ears without grains (or brains), silly, goofy, always causing trouble and rebelling against the rules…coming from a hard core military family and growing up in a hard core boarding military school- I took pride in everything I do even when I behaved badly…And guess what, I learned discipline in a hard way!! …so year by year, I learned to master self-discipline!

Interestingly enough, what shook me the most is not the typical military punishment. What really gave me chemical energy is the depth of this quote that made me pause and think every time I stood in front of that wall!! It was right there every single morning- static yet had this magic power to move me and bring my inner peace.

Thinking about it- I was very intimidated by the word “modesty or بتواضع” and tried my best for 6 long years in the Royal Military school to reach a descent level of modesty. I quickly learned that overconfidence can boil over to arrogance.

So one peaceful snowy day, i decided to bow down modestly and obey to the military rules.

That beautiful cold day I learned the power of humility & modesty in military leadership!

Cheers to all the 2nd Royal Military school

(2 L.M.R) alumni….Hope this beautiful quote is still painted on your walls!

You rock, girls!!!! Always Unstoppable! 🫡🫡🎖



#Proud of my military roots .

My 2nd year in 2L.M.R ⛄️

My lovely handsome dad! ❤️❤️❤️

Ears of grain dancing with the last sun rays of the day.


2LMR is located in (Berber: ⵉⴼⵔⴰⵏ; Arabic: إفران)

Beautiful jewel in the Atlas Mountains.

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